Born in the Vosges into a family of schoolteachers, Louis Vivin made a career in the administration of the PTT (Postes Télégraphes et Téléphones). Although he painted all his life, it was only after his retirement in 1923 for his exemplary attitude during the war that he devoted himself fully to painting until 1934, when a paralysis of the right arm forced him to give up painting. His first exhibition took place at the Salon des agents des Postes in 1889. He then founded the art section of the PTT,…
Born in the Vosges into a family of schoolteachers, Louis Vivin made a career in the administration of the PTT (Postes Télégraphes et Téléphones). Although he painted all his life, it was only after his retirement in 1923 for his exemplary attitude during the war that he devoted himself fully to painting until 1934, when a paralysis of the right arm forced him to give up painting.
His first exhibition took place at the Salon des agents des Postes in 1889. He then founded the art section of the PTT, but it was above all his meeting with the art critic Wilhelm Uhde in 1924 that was to foster his recognition. The latter was a fervent defender of the “Modern Primitives” (Douanier Rousseau, Bauchant, Bombois, Séraphine, Rimbert, Peyronnet, etc.) with whom he associated Louis Vivin. He then organised a solo exhibition for him in 1925, which brought him out of anonymity, and then exhibited him alongside the Douanier-Rousseau, Bombois and Séraphine Louis at the Galerie des Quatre Chemins.
International recognition came a year after his death, at the exhibition “Les Maîtres populaires de la réalité” (1937, Paris, Salle Royale).
The themes that Vivin painted were inspired in particular by the postcards that he used to collect (historical Parisian monuments, Montmartre, quays of the Seine, etc.). The treatment of urban landscapes by this self-taught painter is not an attempt at objective representation according to an interpretation of space. The stone-by-stone construction of his compositions reflects a confrontation between the vision of the outside world and the organisation imposed by his personality. The result is a painting that aspires to the rest of the senses and to a severe and pure intellectual construction. The solitude, monotony and natural sadness of everyday life strip his paintings of all realism and severely assert the banal reality for this painter who, out of modesty, could not have dared to paint the imaginary. But behind all these regular, seemingly objective facades, the uncertain, the mysterious and the sorrowful emerge.
Louis Vivin, Kunstsalon Wolfsberg, Zürich (June 18 – August 21)
Louis Vivin, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (December 11 – January 31, 1980)
Louis Vivin : His Paris, Perls Gallery, New York (April 6 – May 1st)
Louis Vivin, Perls Gallery, New York
Louis Vivin, Jeffres Gallery, London
Louis Vivin 1861-1936, Perls Gallery, New York (February 8 – March 6)
Louis Vivin peintre de Paris, Centre Saint-Jacques, Paris
Louis Vivin, Sydney Janis Gallery, New York (December – January 1950)
Louis Vivin, Galerie Bing, Paris (March)
Louis Vivin, Arts Club, Chicago (December)
Bleu-Rouge-Jaune, la palette des primitifs modernes, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (November 10 – February 4, 2023)
Die Maler des Heiligen Lichts, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (July 16 – November 20)
Du Douanier Rousseau à Séraphine, Musée Maillol, Paris (September 11 – February 23, 2020)
De Picasso à Séraphine – Wilhelm Uhde et les Primitifs Modernes, Lam, Villeneuve d’Ascq (September 29 – January 7, 2018)
70 ans déjà, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (January 25 – March 24)
Les Primitifs Modernes, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (March 16 – July 30)
Bauchant – Bombois – Vivin – Horvat, Galerie Dina Vierny (April 13 – July 30)
Bombois – Bauchant – Vivin – Zitman – Couturier, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris
Le monde merveilleux des naïfs, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (June 6 – July 14)
Die Kunst der Naïven, Haus der Kunst, Munich (November 1st – January 12, 1975); Kunsthaus, Zürich (January 25, 1975 – March 31, 1975)
La Grande Domenica Rassegna internazionale dei Naifs, Rotonda di Via Besane, Milano (May 1 – 19)
De Grote Naiven, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (August 24 – October 20)
Naivni 70, Galerija primitiove umjetnosti, Zagreb (July 18 – September 20) ; Belgrade ; Rijeka ; Ljubljana
2e triennale d’Art Naif, Slovenska Narodna Galeria, Bratislava
Rousseau et le Monde des Naïfs, Galerie Seibu, Tokyo (September 3 – 28)
Le panorama international de la peinture naïve, M.U.C.F, Rabat (July – September)
Le Monde des Naïfs, Musée d’Art moderne, Paris (October 14 – December 6)
Pittori naïfs italiani e francesi, Palazzo Barberini, Roma
Naïve Malerei, Oldenburger Kunstverein, Oldenburg
De Lusthof der Naïven, Boymans-van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam (July 10 – September 6)
Die Welt die Naiven, Salzburger residenzgalerie, Salzburg (July 4 – September 30)
France Landschappen van Cezanne tot heden, Boymans van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam (October 4 – November 17)
Les peintres naïfs, Arthur Tooth and Sons Limited, London
Das Naive Bildt der Welt, Kunsthalle, Baden Baden (2 juillet – 4 septembre) ; Historisches Museum,
Frankfurt (September 16 – October 19) ; Kunstverein, Hannover (October 29 – December 10)
La peinture naïve du Douanier Rousseau à nos jours, Maison de la Pensée française, Paris (June 16 – October 9)
La peinture naïve, VIII Salon interministériel des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Paris (May 13 – 29)
Schönheit aus der Hand: Schönheit durch die Maschine, Städtische Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen (June 14 – July 27)
Les peintres naïfs du Douanier Rousseau à nos jours, Casino de Knokke-le-Zoute, Knokke-le-Zoute (June 20 – August 31)
Cinq Maîtres Primitifs : Rousseau – Bauchant – Séraphine – Bombois – Vivin, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (May 22 – June 30)
Quelques peintres de l’éternel dimanche, Galerie Mignon-Massart, Nantes (April 27 – May 12)
Bauchant / Bombois / Séraphine / Vivin, Kunsthalle, Basel (June 30 – August 12)
Cinquante ans de peinture française, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris (March – April)
Maler des Einfaltigen Herzens, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund (September 20 – October 18)
Four primitive Masters : Vivin – Bombois – Bauchant – Eve, Perls Gallery, New York
Un demi siècle de peinture française, 1900-1950, musée des Beaux-Arts, Lille (June 10 – July 3)
Hommage à Wilhelm Uhde, Galerie Denise René, Paris (April – May)
Vivin, Bauchant, Bombois, Séraphine. Moderne primitive Maler, Kunsthalle, Bern (July 28 – August 28)
Moderne Primitieven, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Les maîtres populaires de la réalité, Arthur Tooth & Sons LTD, London (February 17 – March 12, 1938) ; Museum of Modern Art, New York (April 27 – July 24)
Les maîtres populaires de la réalité, Salle royale, Paris (May) ; Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich (October 16 – November 21)
Un siècle de peinture naïve, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Paris (October 16 – 31)
Les Primitifs modernes, Galerie Georges Bernheim
Ecole de Paris, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Peintures romantiques et naïves. Bombois, Vivin, Francis, Eve Smith. Galerie Colette Weil, Paris
Les Peintres du Sacré-Coeur, Galerie des 4 chemins, Paris
Hôtel des Postes, Paris
Born in the Vosges into a family of schoolteachers, Louis Vivin made a career in the administration of the PTT (Postes Télégraphes et Téléphones). Although he painted all his life, it was only after his retirement in 1923 for his exemplary attitude during the war that he devoted himself fully to painting until 1934, when a paralysis of the right arm forced him to give up painting.
His first exhibition took place at the Salon des agents des Postes in 1889. He then founded the art section of the PTT, but it was above all his meeting with the art critic Wilhelm Uhde in 1924 that was to foster his recognition. The latter was a fervent defender of the “Modern Primitives” (Douanier Rousseau, Bauchant, Bombois, Séraphine, Rimbert, Peyronnet, etc.) with whom he associated Louis Vivin. He then organised a solo exhibition for him in 1925, which brought him out of anonymity, and then exhibited him alongside the Douanier-Rousseau, Bombois and Séraphine Louis at the Galerie des Quatre Chemins.
International recognition came a year after his death, at the exhibition “Les Maîtres populaires de la réalité” (1937, Paris, Salle Royale).
The themes that Vivin painted were inspired in particular by the postcards that he used to collect (historical Parisian monuments, Montmartre, quays of the Seine, etc.). The treatment of urban landscapes by this self-taught painter is not an attempt at objective representation according to an interpretation of space. The stone-by-stone construction of his compositions reflects a confrontation between the vision of the outside world and the organisation imposed by his personality. The result is a painting that aspires to the rest of the senses and to a severe and pure intellectual construction. The solitude, monotony and natural sadness of everyday life strip his paintings of all realism and severely assert the banal reality for this painter who, out of modesty, could not have dared to paint the imaginary. But behind all these regular, seemingly objective facades, the uncertain, the mysterious and the sorrowful emerge.
Louis Vivin, Kunstsalon Wolfsberg, Zürich (June 18 – August 21)
Louis Vivin, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (December 11 – January 31, 1980)
Louis Vivin : His Paris, Perls Gallery, New York (April 6 – May 1st)
Louis Vivin, Perls Gallery, New York
Louis Vivin, Jeffres Gallery, London
Louis Vivin 1861-1936, Perls Gallery, New York (February 8 – March 6)
Louis Vivin peintre de Paris, Centre Saint-Jacques, Paris
Louis Vivin, Sydney Janis Gallery, New York (December – January 1950)
Louis Vivin, Galerie Bing, Paris (March)
Louis Vivin, Arts Club, Chicago (December)
Bleu-Rouge-Jaune, la palette des primitifs modernes, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (November 10 – February 4, 2023)
Die Maler des Heiligen Lichts, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (July 16 – November 20)
Du Douanier Rousseau à Séraphine, Musée Maillol, Paris (September 11 – February 23, 2020)
De Picasso à Séraphine – Wilhelm Uhde et les Primitifs Modernes, Lam, Villeneuve d’Ascq (September 29 – January 7, 2018)
70 ans déjà, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (January 25 – March 24)
Les Primitifs Modernes, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (March 16 – July 30)
Bauchant – Bombois – Vivin – Horvat, Galerie Dina Vierny (April 13 – July 30)
Bombois – Bauchant – Vivin – Zitman – Couturier, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris
Le monde merveilleux des naïfs, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (June 6 – July 14)
Die Kunst der Naïven, Haus der Kunst, Munich (November 1st – January 12, 1975); Kunsthaus, Zürich (January 25, 1975 – March 31, 1975)
La Grande Domenica Rassegna internazionale dei Naifs, Rotonda di Via Besane, Milano (May 1 – 19)
De Grote Naiven, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (August 24 – October 20)
Naivni 70, Galerija primitiove umjetnosti, Zagreb (July 18 – September 20) ; Belgrade ; Rijeka ; Ljubljana
2e triennale d’Art Naif, Slovenska Narodna Galeria, Bratislava
Rousseau et le Monde des Naïfs, Galerie Seibu, Tokyo (September 3 – 28)
Le panorama international de la peinture naïve, M.U.C.F, Rabat (July – September)
Le Monde des Naïfs, Musée d’Art moderne, Paris (October 14 – December 6)
Pittori naïfs italiani e francesi, Palazzo Barberini, Roma
Naïve Malerei, Oldenburger Kunstverein, Oldenburg
De Lusthof der Naïven, Boymans-van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam (July 10 – September 6)
Die Welt die Naiven, Salzburger residenzgalerie, Salzburg (July 4 – September 30)
France Landschappen van Cezanne tot heden, Boymans van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam (October 4 – November 17)
Les peintres naïfs, Arthur Tooth and Sons Limited, London
Das Naive Bildt der Welt, Kunsthalle, Baden Baden (2 juillet – 4 septembre) ; Historisches Museum,
Frankfurt (September 16 – October 19) ; Kunstverein, Hannover (October 29 – December 10)
La peinture naïve du Douanier Rousseau à nos jours, Maison de la Pensée française, Paris (June 16 – October 9)
La peinture naïve, VIII Salon interministériel des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Paris (May 13 – 29)
Schönheit aus der Hand: Schönheit durch die Maschine, Städtische Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen (June 14 – July 27)
Les peintres naïfs du Douanier Rousseau à nos jours, Casino de Knokke-le-Zoute, Knokke-le-Zoute (June 20 – August 31)
Cinq Maîtres Primitifs : Rousseau – Bauchant – Séraphine – Bombois – Vivin, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (May 22 – June 30)
Quelques peintres de l’éternel dimanche, Galerie Mignon-Massart, Nantes (April 27 – May 12)
Bauchant / Bombois / Séraphine / Vivin, Kunsthalle, Basel (June 30 – August 12)
Cinquante ans de peinture française, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris (March – April)
Maler des Einfaltigen Herzens, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund (September 20 – October 18)
Four primitive Masters : Vivin – Bombois – Bauchant – Eve, Perls Gallery, New York
Un demi siècle de peinture française, 1900-1950, musée des Beaux-Arts, Lille (June 10 – July 3)
Hommage à Wilhelm Uhde, Galerie Denise René, Paris (April – May)
Vivin, Bauchant, Bombois, Séraphine. Moderne primitive Maler, Kunsthalle, Bern (July 28 – August 28)
Moderne Primitieven, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Les maîtres populaires de la réalité, Arthur Tooth & Sons LTD, London (February 17 – March 12, 1938) ; Museum of Modern Art, New York (April 27 – July 24)
Les maîtres populaires de la réalité, Salle royale, Paris (May) ; Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich (October 16 – November 21)
Un siècle de peinture naïve, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Paris (October 16 – 31)
Les Primitifs modernes, Galerie Georges Bernheim
Ecole de Paris, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Peintures romantiques et naïves. Bombois, Vivin, Francis, Eve Smith. Galerie Colette Weil, Paris
Les Peintres du Sacré-Coeur, Galerie des 4 chemins, Paris
Hôtel des Postes, Paris
Born in the Vosges into a family of schoolteachers, Louis Vivin made a career in the administration of the PTT (Postes Télégraphes et Téléphones). Although he painted all his life, it was only after his retirement in 1923 for his exemplary attitude during the war that he devoted himself fully to painting until 1934, when a paralysis of the right arm forced him to give up painting. His first exhibition took place at the Salon des agents des Postes in 1889. He then founded the art section of the PTT,…
Born in the Vosges into a family of schoolteachers, Louis Vivin made a career in the administration of the PTT (Postes Télégraphes et Téléphones). Although he painted all his life, it was only after his retirement in 1923 for his exemplary attitude during the war that he devoted himself fully to painting until 1934, when a paralysis of the right arm forced him to give up painting.
His first exhibition took place at the Salon des agents des Postes in 1889. He then founded the art section of the PTT, but it was above all his meeting with the art critic Wilhelm Uhde in 1924 that was to foster his recognition. The latter was a fervent defender of the “Modern Primitives” (Douanier Rousseau, Bauchant, Bombois, Séraphine, Rimbert, Peyronnet, etc.) with whom he associated Louis Vivin. He then organised a solo exhibition for him in 1925, which brought him out of anonymity, and then exhibited him alongside the Douanier-Rousseau, Bombois and Séraphine Louis at the Galerie des Quatre Chemins.
International recognition came a year after his death, at the exhibition “Les Maîtres populaires de la réalité” (1937, Paris, Salle Royale).
The themes that Vivin painted were inspired in particular by the postcards that he used to collect (historical Parisian monuments, Montmartre, quays of the Seine, etc.). The treatment of urban landscapes by this self-taught painter is not an attempt at objective representation according to an interpretation of space. The stone-by-stone construction of his compositions reflects a confrontation between the vision of the outside world and the organisation imposed by his personality. The result is a painting that aspires to the rest of the senses and to a severe and pure intellectual construction. The solitude, monotony and natural sadness of everyday life strip his paintings of all realism and severely assert the banal reality for this painter who, out of modesty, could not have dared to paint the imaginary. But behind all these regular, seemingly objective facades, the uncertain, the mysterious and the sorrowful emerge.
Louis Vivin, Kunstsalon Wolfsberg, Zürich (June 18 – August 21)
Louis Vivin, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (December 11 – January 31, 1980)
Louis Vivin : His Paris, Perls Gallery, New York (April 6 – May 1st)
Louis Vivin, Perls Gallery, New York
Louis Vivin, Jeffres Gallery, London
Louis Vivin 1861-1936, Perls Gallery, New York (February 8 – March 6)
Louis Vivin peintre de Paris, Centre Saint-Jacques, Paris
Louis Vivin, Sydney Janis Gallery, New York (December – January 1950)
Louis Vivin, Galerie Bing, Paris (March)
Louis Vivin, Arts Club, Chicago (December)
Bleu-Rouge-Jaune, la palette des primitifs modernes, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (November 10 – February 4, 2023)
Die Maler des Heiligen Lichts, Museum Frieder Burda, Baden-Baden (July 16 – November 20)
Du Douanier Rousseau à Séraphine, Musée Maillol, Paris (September 11 – February 23, 2020)
De Picasso à Séraphine – Wilhelm Uhde et les Primitifs Modernes, Lam, Villeneuve d’Ascq (September 29 – January 7, 2018)
70 ans déjà, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (January 25 – March 24)
Les Primitifs Modernes, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (March 16 – July 30)
Bauchant – Bombois – Vivin – Horvat, Galerie Dina Vierny (April 13 – July 30)
Bombois – Bauchant – Vivin – Zitman – Couturier, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris
Le monde merveilleux des naïfs, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (June 6 – July 14)
Die Kunst der Naïven, Haus der Kunst, Munich (November 1st – January 12, 1975); Kunsthaus, Zürich (January 25, 1975 – March 31, 1975)
La Grande Domenica Rassegna internazionale dei Naifs, Rotonda di Via Besane, Milano (May 1 – 19)
De Grote Naiven, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (August 24 – October 20)
Naivni 70, Galerija primitiove umjetnosti, Zagreb (July 18 – September 20) ; Belgrade ; Rijeka ; Ljubljana
2e triennale d’Art Naif, Slovenska Narodna Galeria, Bratislava
Rousseau et le Monde des Naïfs, Galerie Seibu, Tokyo (September 3 – 28)
Le panorama international de la peinture naïve, M.U.C.F, Rabat (July – September)
Le Monde des Naïfs, Musée d’Art moderne, Paris (October 14 – December 6)
Pittori naïfs italiani e francesi, Palazzo Barberini, Roma
Naïve Malerei, Oldenburger Kunstverein, Oldenburg
De Lusthof der Naïven, Boymans-van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam (July 10 – September 6)
Die Welt die Naiven, Salzburger residenzgalerie, Salzburg (July 4 – September 30)
France Landschappen van Cezanne tot heden, Boymans van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam (October 4 – November 17)
Les peintres naïfs, Arthur Tooth and Sons Limited, London
Das Naive Bildt der Welt, Kunsthalle, Baden Baden (2 juillet – 4 septembre) ; Historisches Museum,
Frankfurt (September 16 – October 19) ; Kunstverein, Hannover (October 29 – December 10)
La peinture naïve du Douanier Rousseau à nos jours, Maison de la Pensée française, Paris (June 16 – October 9)
La peinture naïve, VIII Salon interministériel des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris, Paris (May 13 – 29)
Schönheit aus der Hand: Schönheit durch die Maschine, Städtische Kunsthalle, Recklinghausen (June 14 – July 27)
Les peintres naïfs du Douanier Rousseau à nos jours, Casino de Knokke-le-Zoute, Knokke-le-Zoute (June 20 – August 31)
Cinq Maîtres Primitifs : Rousseau – Bauchant – Séraphine – Bombois – Vivin, Galerie Dina Vierny, Paris (May 22 – June 30)
Quelques peintres de l’éternel dimanche, Galerie Mignon-Massart, Nantes (April 27 – May 12)
Bauchant / Bombois / Séraphine / Vivin, Kunsthalle, Basel (June 30 – August 12)
Cinquante ans de peinture française, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris (March – April)
Maler des Einfaltigen Herzens, Museum am Ostwall, Dortmund (September 20 – October 18)
Four primitive Masters : Vivin – Bombois – Bauchant – Eve, Perls Gallery, New York
Un demi siècle de peinture française, 1900-1950, musée des Beaux-Arts, Lille (June 10 – July 3)
Hommage à Wilhelm Uhde, Galerie Denise René, Paris (April – May)
Vivin, Bauchant, Bombois, Séraphine. Moderne primitive Maler, Kunsthalle, Bern (July 28 – August 28)
Moderne Primitieven, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Les maîtres populaires de la réalité, Arthur Tooth & Sons LTD, London (February 17 – March 12, 1938) ; Museum of Modern Art, New York (April 27 – July 24)
Les maîtres populaires de la réalité, Salle royale, Paris (May) ; Kunsthaus Zürich, Zürich (October 16 – November 21)
Un siècle de peinture naïve, Galerie des Beaux-Arts, Paris (October 16 – 31)
Les Primitifs modernes, Galerie Georges Bernheim
Ecole de Paris, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam
Peintures romantiques et naïves. Bombois, Vivin, Francis, Eve Smith. Galerie Colette Weil, Paris
Les Peintres du Sacré-Coeur, Galerie des 4 chemins, Paris
Hôtel des Postes, Paris
Galerie Dina Vierny
36 rue Jacob 75006 Paris
Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Galerie Dina Vierny
36 rue Jacob 75006 Paris
Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.